Freshwater science has blossomed over the last 40 years, building collective wisdom which has sadly not been able to ensure that rivers and wetlands are managed more sustainably. Why is that?
The late Keith Walker wrote an article entitled ‘Death of the Murray’ back in 1983. Over many years Keith consistently urged the need to mitigate the effects of river regulation and to maintain healthy river ecosystems.
Similar messages have come from scientists across the world, with rivers and wetlands in increasing decline. Endless recommendations exist on how to moderate impacts so that river and wetland ecosystems can persist with sufficient health while still supporting dependent human communities.
How can science be more effective in influencing policy and management decisions to ensure sustainable management of rivers?
Freshwater scientists need to be more forthright in their conclusions and recommendations, with clearer interpretations of results, including measures for implementation along with milestones to be met. Scientific papers need to include a graphic description of the consequences of failure-to-implement, including describing negative consequences for dependent human communities, not only negative impacts on ecosystems.
Sadly, Keith Walker was right when he called his article ‘Death of the Murray’. Only small changes have been made since then, not enough to halt the continuing decline of rivers in the Murray-Darling Basin.
From now on, freshwater scientists should include consequences with their research findings. They should develop a checklist of implementation milestones and benchmarks, to measure uptake of recommendations. AFSS could publish an annual health report card for the Murray-Darling Basin, building on the defunct SRA. Freshwater scientists need to spread the message very loudly that, without a healthy environment and healthy rivers, dependent human communities and industries will fail. Otherwise, we will just be documenting ongoing decline of freshwater ecosystems.